Summer Update and Challenge

by | Nov 17, 2022 | Fitness Goals

It’s been a while since I’ve posted and shared here on the blog. I’ve been spending as much time as possible away from my computer and outside!!! Despite my digital absence, things are a cookin’ here at Pickering Personal Training!

So many of my students have been working so hard and making incredible improvements in strength & endurance as well as their weight loss goals. I just want to let everyone know how awesome they are for never giving up despite how hard it gets! Some of you have taken huge leaps forward and many are tackling their diets in addition to their burpees So, here it comes….IT’S CHALLENGE TIME AGAIN!!! Well, it will be soon.

If you’re a new student you may not know that we’ve done a couple of food challenges in the last year, specifically the Whole 30 Challenge. The last one for me went from January 9th to May 12. This time the challenge will be ‘unnamed’. Each of us have our own goals and our own comfort level in making changes to our lifestyle. 

This challenge will be YOUR CHALLENGE. I challenge you to commit to making whatever changes work for you right now to take you to the next phase of your wellness journey. For some of you this may be your first steps, and may mean simply cutting out sweetened beverages. Some of you may be ready to ditch junk food and processed carbs for the first time and some of you are making aggressive changes to your body composition and are ready to do something different. Whatever it is, we’re in this together, always. So, of course I have to do something over the top to maintain solidarity with all of you!

Starting after the Labour Day weekend we begin. I am personally going to maintain a ketogenic diet for 8 weeks (along with a couple of other students of mine).  Once that 8 weeks is up, I will continue to keep my carbohydrate levels in check (which means NO FIGS) and very few root vegetables, until the middle of March. This also means that I will be avoiding alcohol entirely for 6 ½ months, including over the holidays. Yah, I know…crazy.  Why the heck am I doing this? Because I love a good challenge, because I want to be there with you while you struggle to make changes for the better and because it might just be awesome!

Since this is a fairly epic challenge, it has to have an incredible launch. We’re kicking this one off with a big barbeque for all my students, past and present, early in September. Details of this are to follow but I do hope you and your families will be able to attend!

PS – There will be no pasta salad!

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